End of school year -- Appeal for donations

It is looking like one cold and hard winter is nearly over here in England and we are now looking forward to welcoming the colourful blooms of spring.

Far away in the village of Malkainia Northern India, the school children are getting ready to take their annual end of year exams.

WINGS charity supports 110 children in 4 local schools, and by end of April all of the exams are over, followed by the summer holiday until the new academic year starts on 1 st July. By then school fees for the coming year will have to be paid.

Please, We need your support.


Anjani Vishwakarma Story

Anjani, who will be 14 in June this year, lost her father in 2003, and to add to her grief, her mother passed away the same year Anjani was born in 2004, She , together with her elder sister Joti (16), live at her aunts home. In July 2017 her admission to class 7 Kissan Madan School was secured with fees paid in full by WINGS charity.

With no parent support, and dependent upon my aunt for everything, my chance of an education was very limited. In 2017 WINGS charity took my schooling under its care, now at least I can see some sort of a future” said Anjani.


THE NEXT TRIP -: I am planning to visit the schools during May 18th until June 11th to inspect the attendance records and check the exam results for each child that we support, with a view to complete their admission into the next academic year and paying their fees.

If you have not yet made a donation, NOW would be a really great time.

It is only by your help we can keep these children in school. You can donate online, or direct to the charity’s bank or send it to me personally, All of the details are on the website www.malkainia.org. Please remember every penny will go to the children’s schooling.

Everyone who helps, including myself, bear our own expenses and give our time freely.

Thanks once again for your support.

Lall Singh April 2018