June 2017 Visit Report

The 2017 visit to Malkainia was planned for April, but this was delayed because of my illness during the winter months. Eventually I was well enough to travel, and arrived there the second week of June. This was not a clever time, as the daytime temperature can rise to 45Deg C, together with that is the children were in their summer holidays. But it was the earliest time I could have gone. The heat was something else and after 2 ½ weeks there, it took me a month to recover from weight loss and diarrheal! Hence the delay in catching up with the reporting. 

Lessons have been learnt for nest year!

The main tasks were to carry out audit on the schools and visit the children’s home to check on each child welfare.

There are 98 children being supported and most homes were visited, also the headmasters of the 3 private and 2 government schools were met to review the children’s attendance records , and discuss the education standard that they offer.

Most of the schools carry out exams/tests twice per year, in April and October, to check the standard of learning and deciding if a child can move up to the next class, but not all schools publish these test results. I collected the test marks from the APN school last year and again this year for the 38 children there, and requested the results from the other schools in future. It is hoped that these results will be uploaded to the Charity website so that the progress of the children can be viewed by the sponsors. This work is ongoing by my colleague Misha and should be viewable in the coming months.

It is clear from the visit that a small number or children were not going to school, and in the past the parents were told that if the attendance was poor or non-existent then the support would be withdrawn. Nine of these children’s support were re-allocated to others desperate for the chance of an education.

There were also a few children who’s families had seen a good improvement in their finances that they no longer needed WINGS Support. This allowed us to fund another 8 new children in the nearby Kissan Madan school, all 8 were selected from single parent families.

Negotiations with each headmaster, resulted in every WINGS supported child getting a discounted fees, and stretching the Charity’s budget to the limit meant that a total of 110 children are now being helped.

I know that next year’s cash-flow will be a problem, but at least for now these 110 are in school.

In the world today we constantly get bombarded by the media with bad news, wars, famine, natural disasters, and recently hate and terrorism.

Now it is even more important for us to know and appreciate that the majority of people are kind hearted and generous, doing their bit to help. Your support to WINGS charity is only one of the many examples of this.

There is a lot of good being done on behalf of your support and donations. A few of these stories are in the 3 PDF documents here:

1. Words are not necessary.

2. A stitch in time.

3. A second chance.

Do please take a look.


Lall, Sept 2017

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